The Hypnotunez

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The Hypnotunez

Rock, Jazz punk

The music group The Hypnotunez's concerts are in great demand today and gather full halls. Often, the gifts of fate do not fall to everyone, and if they do fall - you need to appreciate them to the maximum. You may not believe it, but that's exactly what happened to the whole team. Until recently, participants simply ran through the streets and played, and now they are recognized everywhere. They repeatedly performed on various TV shows, competitions and developed as they could in general, which led to such a positive result.
Modern youth enjoy listening to The Hypnotunez's musical performances. The guys download songs from the Internet, watch videos on YouTube and watch the band on TV.
The songs of the band Hypnotunez differ significantly from the compositions of other bands. They are so individual that such compositions are simply impossible to confuse with anything.
The musicians themselves consider themselves unusually original and charismatic. Guys always start the auditorium, sharing with them the emotions and impressions that they charge themselves.
Beautiful stage images, unique tracks, charisma and a great atmosphere - all this sets the mood for concerts.
The band's music genre includes swing choir and jazz punk. Guys know what they want and what they strive for, this is the key to their success.
When they gave an interview, the band's founder Luidze Gera talked about his impressions after another event called "Porto Franco", where they performed in 2017.
Hera left exceptionally positive impressions of the festival. He passed as he should have passed. It's not easy for you to come drink a beer and listen to music, everything was much cooler!
He also noted that there is a difference between a big and a small stage, and it is immediately felt. But, in fact, the feature of Hypnothenes is performances in small clubs, pubs, even in places where they barely fit.
In this regard, they have already come to terms with the contrasts, and it's hard to say right away where it would be more comfortable for them to perform.
X Factor and the performance with Oleg Skripka had a very good effect on the band. "BB" is one of the bands that the frontman of Hypnotus really likes.
Hera does not like Russian-language songs, although in everyday life, he mostly speaks this language. But art and life are different things, so the musician has a different attitude to everything.
In the Ukrainian language, their tracks sound much better, the frontman is clearly convinced of this.
Journalists were also interested in the fact that the debut collection included a cover of Prodigy.
Why this band… And because this kind of bands have already created a lot of covers, and because he was fond of this band from an early age.
The guys are constantly improving and working on their music, lyrics, etc. They understand perfectly well that if they want to be successful, they will always have to do so.
The band's debut album was released in 2015. In 2017, the guys presented the second, which is infinitely happy